THE Project
Arrowsmith Heights features a mix of land uses, including forested undeveloped areas, residential zones, and Future Residential lands designated in the Official Community Plan (OCP) for sustainable growth within Port Alberni’s city limits. This neighbourhood is situated outside the Urban Core and higher density residential areas. Both the OCP and PME 2023 prioritize development and redevelopment in existing urban areas, aiming to support and complement this development pattern. Additionally, PME 2023 acknowledges that coordinated planning between the City of Port Alberni and the Alberni Clayoquot Regional District (ACRD) will ensure planned and sustainable growth adjacent to the city boundaries.
Burde Street, identified as a Collector Road in the OCP, transitions to a Local Road after the Pacific Mayfair Estates property. Collector roads like Burde Street are designed to handle local traffic, have moderate travel speeds, and may include on-street parking where space permits. The neighbourhood currently has limited park space, highlighting the Log Train Trail Park. The undeveloped Pacific Mayfair Estates lands feature two large ponds, sometimes known as the Redford Ponds designated as Park and Open Space in the OCP, and are popular recreational spots. An Environmental Assessment of the lands has been done and will inform both the environmental and parks and open spaces policies in the plan.
What's happening?
The Pacific Mayfair Estates project is changing direction and working in collaboration with the City of Port Alberni on a new Pacific Mayfair Estates Master Plan, an amendment to the Official Community Plan. The planning process for this OCP amendment was brought before Council on August 14, 2023.
The new direction will include:
- A larger focus on responding to the natural environment, restoration guided by a Qualified Environmental Professional, protecting environmentally sensitive areas and creating a series of parks, open spaces and greenways
- Reduced residential density with a greater variety of housing choices
- Creating a diverse community that is safe and equitable
- Formalizing some of the existing recreational activities around the ponds
- Providing neighbourhood scale shops and services
- A larger focus on community engagement and inputs
- And more!
The PME 2023 planning area is primarily designated as Future Residential (FUR), as outlined in Map 5, Figure 1 of the Official Community Plan. Each FUR property requires a detailed neighborhood plan for specific land use proposals, which must be approved before any OCP Amendment. FUR lands can support various uses and densities, including neighborhood-scale commercial facilities, parks, schools, and other services to benefit the community.
PME 2023 will establish the new land use designation for the neighborhood and align it with the City of Port Alberni OCP. Detailed requirements, such as infrastructure, transportation, street layout, parks, open spaces, and community amenities, will be outlined in future development approvals, such as rezoning of the lands.
Community Growth
The Future Residential (FUR) designation is reserved for undeveloped lands to accommodate 20 years of projected growth at a 1.5% growth rate. Between 2016 and 2021, Port Alberni’s population increased by approximately 4.5%, reaching 25,786 according to Census Canada. Of this population, about 61% fall within the working age range (between 15 and 64), highlighting the city’s focus on both family-friendly housing and employment opportunities. This robust growth underscores the need for a new community vision and the forthcoming OCP plan in 2023/2024. PME 2023 will play a pivotal role in guiding the city’s growth and land use patterns for this neighbourhood.
This information has since been updated with the new OCP Snapshot documents available on the City of Port Alberni’s website
Land Use
The OCP emphasizes that offering a variety of housing options fosters a more inclusive and livable community with a diverse range of age groups. This goal aligns with the creation of complete and inclusive communities. The Future Residential (FUR) land use designation, which applies to undeveloped areas like Pacific Mayfair Estates, is reserved for accommodating growth. Specific plans, like PME2023, are required to address the details of proposed land use within FUR areas. These lands can accommodate various residential densities and may include neighbourhood commercial facilities, parks, schools, and other support services for the community.
Our commitment to building a diverse and inclusive community at Pacific Mayfair Estates is an ongoing effort. The FUR land use designation remains central to accommodating growth and shaping our community’s future. In partnership with the city staff, the planning team is actively working to detail the proposed land use within FUR areas, including residential densities, potential commercial facilities, parks, schools, and essential community services. Together, we’re dedicated to ensuring that Pacific Mayfair Estates thrives and adapts to the evolving needs of its residents.
Transportation and Mobility
The PME 2023 focuses on enhancing active transportation within the neighbourhood for improved safety and efficiency by enhancing connectivity and multi-modal linkages. The following policies will apply to transportation and mobility to, from, and within Pacific Mayfair Estates.
PME 2023 includes various land uses, necessitating movement of people and goods within the neighbourhood. As the area develops and redevelops, growth will be facilitated through enhancements to Burde Street and adjacent Local Roads. The Burde Street Corridor is envisioned to become a safe, attractive, and multi-modal arterial road, connecting PME2023 lands to the downtown core of Port Alberni and eastward to Highway 4.
The present and future residential zones within PME2023 are designed to be appealing, walkable streets with a range of housing options and easy access to parks, open spaces, and local services. The housing primarily comprises single-family lots of varying sizes and attached housing. This limited range of densities and built forms aims to offer diverse housing choices, safeguard environmentally sensitive areas, and facilitate more frequent transit service to the neighbourhood.
- Support new housing of different sizes, tenures and forms to encourage a diverse neighbourhood population and allow people to age in place.
- Encourage built forms that complement the existing neighbourhood context and Port Alberni’s history and allow residents to meet their daily needs.
- Maintain rental housing stock by encouraging investment in existing rental housing and supporting replacement with new rental housing where appropriate.
- Facilitate the creation of more affordable and attainable housing
Neighbourhood Scale Commercial Services
Having local services within walking and biking distance contributes to the vibrancy of neighborhoods. PME2023 allows for small-scale local services and commercial activities within the neighborhood, enabling residents and visitors to fulfill their daily needs conveniently. This concentration of uses also promotes and sustains public transportation while offering diverse employment opportunities for Port Alberni residents.